Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Game Over

Well - it was a fun ride but the season is over for us CAPS fans! The last few weeks were pretty intense watching the playoff games - the wins, the loses - the multiple overtimes....sad day! In the words of all Washington teams fans.....there is always next year. HA! Dear Crazy.....

Backing up to the weekend. Friday night - Ben, Lauren, Taylor and I went to Friday Night Live in Herndon. It was a beautiful evening and the band was great. Amanda took care of us like always - and Taylor did pretty well despite the fact that we kept her up a little past her bedtime. I also ran into some people that I hadn't seen in a long time so that was a BONUS!

Sunday was my first Mother's Day! It was another gorgeous day - it was great to spend it with my little girl and she is the best present I could have ever gotten. We went to the Bradley's that night for dinner along with Melissa and the girls. Billy is home from Tech so it was great to all be together.

Ben is in Dallas for ""work". And by work I mean he and his boss are in TX for a golf tournament with one of their customers. Heather was kind enough to come and stay with me so I didn't have to yell at the TV alone. She's a good friend. ;0)

On a serious note - an old friend of mine that I went to school with from Elementary through our first year of college at Delaware has passed away. It's a terribly sad time for his family and enormous circle of friends. I'm keeping his mom and sister in my thoughts.

It's officially past my bedtime.....until the next post!

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