Monday, December 21, 2009

Snowed in...

As most of you know and experienced - we had one heck of a snow storm over the weekend!! I realize that lots of people love the snow and think it's pretty - blah blah blah.... not me!! I hate it - yes - HATE it! We've been lucky the last few years and haven't had too much to deal with but this weekend we made up for it. The final total on our deck was about 22 inches. WOW!!

Ben decided to shovel in the morning to try to make the process easier in the end. Taylor watched out the window and kept pointing to him so I bundled her all up to take her outside. Once we got out there - she was NOT interested in what Daddy was doing anymore.

So that didn't last long! Actually - it took me longer to get her dressed than our time outside did! Hmmmmm - not loving the snow? She is her mother's daughter! ;0)
I took my turn shoveling later on that afternoon. It was like Ben had never done it with how much had come down in the time in between. It definitely worked out by the time Sunday rolled around though....we only had a few inches to take care of while some of our neighbors had almost 2 feet. We tried taking Taylor out again that morning but again - she wanted nothing to do with it. I'd like to say maybe next time but I hope there isn't one! HA! Dear Crazy.....

Here are a few more pics from Sunday....

Get me outta here!!

You can see the driveway!

Our street

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ho Ho NO!

This past Saturday, our little town of Leesburg had a Holiday Festival! I got a flyer in the mail about it 2 weeks ago and I was looking forward to it ever since. The weather cooperated - and by cooperated I mean it wasn't like we were living in Chicago as the day before felt when the freezing winds came whipping through.
We all bundled up that morning and headed downtown to see what this festival was all about. After a brief walk through town (and finding all of the restaurants that I've been reading about online and wanting to try) we ran into Frosty! Taylor was not nearly as excited as I was but she let me hold her next to him to get a quick pic.
A short time later we saw Santa from a far as he was getting ready to go set up shop on his chair to meet all the kids and listen to their wishes. Now - knowing that Taylor wouldn't go for standing in a long line, I took a shot and asked Santa for a picture right there. He agreed and I asked Taylor if she wanted to meet Santa? She said "NO"! Santa kinda laughed it off and we got a quick shot.....
From there we saw Rudolf and she wanted nothing to do with him either! He tried waving and she stared him down. We tried to approach him and Taylor grabbed onto Ben's jacket, buried her face in his chest while saying "no no no". Oh year.
Her mood instantly changed when continued our journey, turned the corner and saw the little train making it's way around a parking lot. She took one look, pointed and yelled "CHOO CHOO!!" Needless to say - she got to take a ride on the choo choo.......
Last but not least, the Fun Bus was there. She is a bit too young to go in by herself and adults don't fit in but the guy was nice enough to let us put her at the top of the slide so she could take part in some of the fun.
That's where our festival experience ended. I'm already looking forward to next year when Taylor might have more of an interest in Santa, Frosty, Rudolf etc.
Later that evening, I went over to Seca's with the rest of the bridesmaids for a little wedding planning fun! Seca had gone to look at dresses that afternoon so we got to see the pictures and give her our opinions on what we liked. I can't wait to see what she picks and how amazing she is going to look on her special day (Sept 17th 2010).
That's about it from our end. I gotta put the computer away and start working on our Christmas Cards! One year I will work on them toward the beginning of the year! HA! Dear Crazy....

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Holidays are in full swing....

It's been a few weeks since the last post and the holidays are now upon us! We had a fantastic Thanksgiving - 2 day celebration. Turkey Day started out EARLY with Amanda and our Landsdowne Firehouse Run 5K. It was cold & foggy but I gotta say it made for a beautiful run. Obviously I didn't have my camera so you're just gonna have to believe me on this one! After our run, we hit up Starbucks for a quick coffee & snack. Then it was off to Sissy's house for dinner with the rents and Todd's parents who were in town from Michigan. A great time was had by all.
The next morning was another early one with meeting up with Jac & Mom at the Leesburg Outlets for our yearly Black Friday Shopping. We didn't buy too much but it's always a nice time to get together just us girls. I look forward to when Taylor will join us but that's a few (many) years away still.
We celebrated our second Thanksgiving with Ben's family that evening and it was tons-o-fun as well.

This past weekend started out with family photos! We got some good ones but I just put my favorite one below. The rest will be in my December pics on Snapfish later on this month.

Taylor LOVES her "Melmo"

Then it was off for "Christmas in the Burg" down at Nanny's. This is always one of my most favorite weekends. This year was no different! Tons of food, laughs and ELMO!! Doesn't get much better. Here are a few pics......

Best. PJs. EVER!! Thanks Aunt Jack!
All the other day to day stuff is pretty same old. Taylor is getting bigger by the day - both her actual self and her attitude! Wonder where she gets that from?? HA! Dear Crazy......